Healty Food for Healthy Teeth

Healthy Food for Healthy Teeth
Did you know the food you eat and how often you eat can have a significant impact on your health and on your oral health too? If you’re indulging on sweet drinks or treats that are jam-packed with sugar you could be at a significant risk for tooth decay.
Tooth decay may not sound horrible, but it’s the most common chronic childhood disease. Tooth decay occurs when plaque residing on the surface of the tooth combines with sugars in the mouth and creates an acid that goes to war on your teeth. It sounds scary, because it is… but the good news is is that it’s preventable.
The best way to prevent tooth decay is to reduce the amount of non nutritional beverages and drinks you consume. Throw away those over sugared treats and opt in for low sugar better tasting snacks. If your diet is restricted because you’re omitting certain foods or lacking certain nutrients it may be more challenging for your mouth to fight these bacteria causing interlopers. If your mouth isn’t able to effectively defend itself it could lead to gum disease, which is a leading cause of tooth loss in adults.
We highly recommend practicing good overall health as well as good oral health simultaneously. This means that we need to be more conscientious of the foods and liquids we consume on a daily basis. It’s imperative to eat a healthy diet with limited snacks. Increase water consumption, eat a variety of foods packed with vitamins and minerals, incorporate healthy snacks by opting for grapes instead of a cookie or other sweet treat.
Practicing good oral hygiene goes farther than brushing twice daily and flossing. Maintaining a balanced diet while limiting snacks and super sugary treats can make a world of difference. Routine checkups with your dentist can help detect problems early on, schedule your visit with Brush Dental today to prioritize your dental health today!
Thanks for taking the time to learn! Invest in yourself and make habits that will benefit you and your loved ones for not only this year but years to come. If you have questions, or would like to set up an appointment, don’t hesitate to call us at (206) 203-9385 or reach us online!
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